Monday, October 1, 2012

Travelling addiction. Part 1

Travelling is an addiction I work to support. Once you have been bitten with the travelling bug, there is no going back. In the past four years my boyfriend (Jason) and I have required at least two vacations per year or we start going through withdrawal. This addiction with travelling did however occur prior to my relationship with Jason however, it was in a dormant state until recently. Before I talk about  our latest vacations, I want to give you some insight as to when the addiction began.  I have been lucky enough to have parents who love to travel and worked hard to take their three children away on holidays. So I will begin my travel blog with my youngest travelling adventures.

My father loves to camp. My first memories of family vacations are just that, jumping in the truck pulling the trailer behind us and driving for hours to our final destination. It could be as close as an hour away or as far as Spokane (trust me at 8 it is a very, very long drive). The beginning of the holiday was definitely not fun, you had to pull the trailer in, put the blocks in front of the tires, and organize the campsite. Once the trailer was set up, my sister and I laid that horrible fake grass in front of the door and then we were ready for fun. 

Camping was amazing. We usually camped by a lake and dad would often rent a boat to tour around in. We would go out and have lunch on the lake and then my sister and I would jump in and swim for hours. We spent days just playing in the lake followed by playing board games in the trailer before bed. The lake and the games were not the best part though.  For anyone who has ever gone camping I think you will agree that the best part is the marshmallows over the fire.

I always watched as dad would light the fire and eventually I learned the proper way to start a fire, no gas involved.  First you had to get the kindling ready, then build a little tee-pee and stuff paper under it. Once the paper was on fire and the kindling was burning we would slowly start adding bigger pieces of wood. When the fire was going well, we would throw in one of those packages of colors and the fire would dance in multicolor splendour. The flames would change colors from orange to blue and purple. It was beautiful! When the fire was just right, no big flames left and the color package gone, we would get to roast our marshmallows over the red-hot coals. Some people find the hottest spot and roast it so fast they burn it in the process. I am the complete opposite. To this day, I  love eating a perfect golden brown marshmallow  roasted over the fire while camping with friends and family. These adventures started what has become my addiction with travelling. Good memories, good company and good food.

Burnt Marshmallow
Perfectly roasted Marshmallow

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