Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Beers of the World, Germany!

"'Beer turns thurst into a beautiful thing', goes an old German
 saying ... And thus it is, especially if the beer is a German
Quote from: German Beer Institute.

Photo Credit: Ian Britton

Germany, like Belgium and Canada also defines a main part of its culture with its complex beer scene (I am sensing a pattern here, we homo-sapiens sure love our BEER!). While the first thing that may pop into your mind is a pale pilsner their beer ranges far and wide from just the pilsner. Beer.about.com has a list of their top 10 German beers, but for the purpose of this blog I am going to focus on the Top 5 of that list;

1.     Pilsner- while I just said that their beers range far and wide from this type of beer, the Germans really know how to do it right.

2.  Weihenstephaner Hefeweissbier- this is a special beer brewed from malted barley and wheat fermented with a special yeast, and no one does this cloudy style better than the Bavarians.

3. Spaten Oktoberfest- This sweet brown style also goes by another name, Maerzen, and is generally brewed in March and served in Autumn. It is usually only available from August until November.
4. Einbecker Ur-Bock- This is a dark malty beer orginally made in the German town of Einbeck, it is still one of the best forms of this style.

5. Paulaner Salvator Doppel Bock- Doppel bocks are darker and richer than bocks. All bocks are lagers so, despite the big flavors they are still crisp and clean with some sweetness.
(while I am a lover of beer, I am no expert. Much of the descriptions of these beers are the words of Bryce Eddings)

Photo Credit: Josef Turk

Another key piece of German beer identity is Oktoberfest. It is a 16 day celebreation of beer that runs from late September to the first week of October! People travel from all over the world to experience this festival and taste all of the flavours German beer has to offer.

Now to continue on our beer globe trotting adventure, to the Czech Republic!

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