Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Republic of Panama

This is my first blog. I am happy to share my story to everyone.

At this time, i am going to talk about Panama. Why i talk about Panama? Because in 2009 winter, i went to Panama to see my father. At that time, my father worked there, so i had a chance to go there.
I want to say i was tried to take a plane. I flied from Calgary to Toronto, and flied from Toronto to Mexico City, after that, i flied from Mexico City to Panama City. The funny thing is when i arrived at Mexico City airport, i was hungry, so i wanted to buy some food, but i could not speak Spanish. Finally, i did not eat anything before i arrived at Panama City.

Toronto Airport
I took Mexicana Airplane to go to Panama

I am not a professional traveler, so i do not like to introduce about the political or other common information about Panama, because everyone can search those information on Internet. I just want to share about my pictures and my experience.

It is easy to go to Panama if you are Canadian or have a Canada VISA.
First, the Pollera dresses. I do not know why the girls wear Pollera dresses, but i can make sure that they were so beautiful.

They are dancing girls

Second, the famous place, the important cargo port which name is Panama Canal. I just took one picture at there, because i forgot. Why forgot to take pictures? Because there were many big ships and this was so grand.
I was at Panama Canal
Last, a famous bridge, it is Bridge of The Americas. This is a huge bridge. When my father drove through it, i felt i was flying on the ocean. Also the view was amazing and beautiful.
Bridge of The Americas
Also i near the Bridge of the Americas, there is a Chinese Park which called ZHONGBA PARK.
On 2009, this was a important year for Chinese who lived at Panama, because 150 years ago, first Chinese people arrived at Panama.


By the way, i saw Bank of China at Panama City, i thought there should many Chinese have business at Panama. I think everybody know that Chinese brand car is not famous in the world, but in Panama i saw, the car's brand is Chery.
Bank of China at Panama City

Chery QQ, Made in China

I hope you like my first blog. Thank you.

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