Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Tourism and the Economy

         Many countries around the world rely on tourism dollars to stimulate their economy.Travel is a valuable part for many nations well being in the global market. Tourism accounts for ten percent of the world's gross domestic product and nearly eight percent of worldwide employmentAn example of this is countries located in the Caribbean that rely almost solely on vacationers and their money. Countries who primarily rely on tourism tend to be aesthetically beautiful yet unfortunately impoverished. These nations that place a high value on bringing travelers in must make sure their country is a safe place to be. An example of this is the government in Mexico trying to relinquish drug cartel activity in areas of high tourism to make travelers feel they can be safe in the country. If travelers do not feel safe, they will never spend their hard earned money and support citizens livelihoods.

Two tourists admiring the landscape,i:169

     Tourism is fundamentally important in order to maintain a stable economy. Many countries around the world have few export industries, so they rely on money brought into the country via cruise ships and hotel resorts. If the act of traveling did not exist, these countries would fall into a recession and would require foreign aid and negatively impacting the world.

How do you think countries can increase their tourism rates? And do you think tourism is really that large of   an economy stimulator?  How can we harness tourism to affect a nations market value?

This picture shows how tourism connects the world,i:94

Thanks for reading

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