Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Beers of the World! Intro & Canada

           As humans we are a curious species, from the time we are small children the only thing on our mind is adventure. Whether it is venturing beyond the forbidden gates of the backyard fence or travelling around the globe as adults we crave new sites and experiences. Part of the journey we have when we travel is experiencing new cultures; the music they listen to, the past-times they enjoy, and most importantly the exciting new tastes of their cuisine and beverages. Whether you choose to travel close to home or across the continents every culture brings a new perspective to the table (literally).

            The most exciting aspect of travelling for me happens in the restaurants, and more specifically in the liquid refreshments. This blog is going to take you on a journey of the different beers located around the world, and potentially wine if anything in particular strikes my fancy.  Since I live in Canada I am going to start at home, with Canadian beer.
Photo by: Jessica Coates
O Canada We Stand On Guard for Thee…. Beer. But seriously let’s take a moment and think about the top 3 stereotypes for Canadians.
  • Igloos (...seriously guys?)
  • Hockey (okay, so that ones kind of true)
  • BEER! (well... maybe you guys do know us after all)
Canadian identity is strongly based on national pride, and a lot of that pride comes from our Canadian breweries. According to another blogger,

“In Canada beer is different. It's not just a way to get

over a fight with your girlfriend; it's part of the national

identity. Beer and hockey are tied together and they're

both cornerstones of Canadian culture, like Anne Murray

and bagged milk.”       

And to be completely honest, it is SO true. However all jokes aside the reason for our nation’s pride being so entangled with our beer is we love it! In Canada Travel Jane Mclean says, 

“Canadian beers are an excellent introduction to the

culture of Canada. Canadians like their beer and consume it

more than any other alcoholic beverage”

So I know what you are thinking, when is she going to get to Canadian Beer! Well the answer to that is right now! Canada has been making astounding beers for decades and one of the most popular brands in Canada is Steam Whistle.    

Photo By: D'Arcy Norman

Steam Whistle’s story begins in 1998 on a canoe trip in Ontario. Three friends; Greg Taylor, Cam Heaps and Greg Cromwell, had all worked together in one of Canada’s microbreweries when it was bought out and shut down by a national brewer. They then began dreaming of opening their own brewery… and that they would.

Now, to get on to their beer!

Steam Whistle’s main focus is on a Pilsner that “Canadian’s can be proud of”. They achieve this by using four natural ingredients, spring water, malted barley, hops, yeast, and a fifth ingredient that is the pride and joy of the Brewmaster and staff.

But let’s put their money where their mouth is. They don’t just say they want to brew a beer Canadian’s can be proud of; they actually back themselves up with awards.

·       This year (2012) they won Gold for the European Style Lager (Pilsner) at the Canadian Brewing Awards.

·       They also were chosen by the readers of Vancouver’s Georgia Straight magazine at the Best Beer Brewed Outside BC.

And that was just for their beer! Steam Whistle also won numerous awards as a company this year for achievements such as being an eco-friendly, well managed, responsible corporation.  

Stay tuned for.... AMERICA!

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